Welcome to another Friday edition of Lost Summer. We have much to discuss.
So here’s the thing. I’ll be at Midwesthetic tonight, the Madison Comic Expo on Saturday and the Packer game on Sunday. Aaaand I bought a new car on Thursday. I’m busy is what I’m saying.
So allow me to bust out a vintage segment from the archives for the first time in 15 years, the HAIKU EDITION. Enjoy!
Lottery winner!
Be careful what you wish for!
Mom broke her ankle!
Bad luck follows me
Where did you get the numbers?
…Where is Kalgoorlie?
Longwave Radio
Mysterious transmission
Won the bean contest
“You make your own luck”
Says the woman with one leg
Living in a shack
On The Island
Rousseau wrote numbers
That are the same as Hurley’s
I know that feel, bro
The Black Rock beckons
Rousseau heard the same message
As Crazy Lenny
Have this battery
As a symbol of my love
Locke’s building a crib
Not for Claire’s future baby
But for Boone’s fresh corpse
John Locke meets his mom
Not a paraplegic
Selling Nerf footballs
John Locke meets his dad
He’s welcomed with open arms
Kidneys? Functional.
“Here, take my kidney
Mr. Anthony Cooper”
-Sawyer 1.0
Our boy got swindled
Mom and Dad ripped John Locke off
Pees blood forever
On The Island
Hey, nice trebuchet!
It would look ever better
Pounding on my hatch
Sawyer needs glasses
Give him a big, ugly pair
Like Jeffrey Dahmer
Locke sees a Beechcraft
And then he says to himself
”Boone should die today”
“We’re the survivors
Oceanic 8-1-5”
”Nuh-uh, dude…WE are!”
Jack marries Sarah
The girl from Happy Gilmore
And Modern Family
Strength is commitment
Christian Shephard says to Jack
”Welp, see you later!”
Shooter McGavin
”You just gotta tap it in”
Happy Gilmore rules
Jack Shephard’s issue?
Just not good at letting go
(and top-shelf vodka)
On The Island
Boone is all messed up
Claire’s going into labor
Pet’s heads falling off
Sayid & Shannon
Are unbothered by the stress
Nighttime Sex Picnic
Type-A transfusion
A bamboo urchin needle
…This ain’t gonna work
Boone’s dead; Claire gave birth
Jack thinks that John Locke killed him
Pukes, farts, passes out
Smash cut, episodes over. Make with THE NUMBERS!
4 - After “Numbers” aired, numerous people used the eponymous numbers as lottery entries. According to the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, within three days, the numbers were tried over 500 times by local players. Likewise, in the same period, over 200 people in Michigan alone used the sequence for the Mega Millions lottery, and by October, thousands had tried them for the multi-state Powerball lottery.
8 - The lottery issue came to attention after a Mega Millions drawing for a near-record $380,000,000 jackpot on January 4, 2011 drew a series of numbers in which the three lowest numbers (4-8-15) and the mega ball (42) matched four of the five numbers.
15 - In May 2024, Mega-Sena, the largest lottery in Brazil, drew a series in which five numbers (8, 15, 16, 23 and 42) matched the sequence. A total of 2,967 players won a prize of roughly $360 each.
16 - With “Numbers,” Hurley is the last of the 14 main characters to have an episode of flashbacks devoted to him.
23 - In “Numbers,” the artist and title behind the rap song heard in Hurley’s Hummer wasn’t identified for 15 years. On February 11 of 2020, it was revealed through the podcast Down the Hatch that the artist was Chris “The Glove” Taylor who created the song for the show.
42 - In “Deus Ex Machina,” Swoosie Kurtz and Kevin Tighe, who play Locke's parents, are only 8 years older than Terry O'Quinn. And…uh, it absolutely shows.
Before we sign off for the weekend, let’s take a look at just a few more Easter eggs, courtesy of another classic segment we call FIVE AWESOME THINGS!
In “Numbers,” a reference is made to Curb Your Enthusiasm, as Hurley is mistaken for a drug dealer and arrested. In Curb Your Enthusiasm, Jorge Garcia plays a drug dealer, and his role as the drug dealer got him the role of Hurley in Lost.
Also in “Numbers,” Brittany Perrineau plays the lottery girl. She also played the woman Sawyer brings to his hotel two episodes prior (and is still married to Harold Perrineau).
In “Deus Ex Machina,” we find out that Locke’s mother spent time in the Santa Rosa Mental Health Institute. This is where Hurley was a resident previously.
Also in “Deus Ex Machina,” the voice heard on the radio transmission that Boone picks up- which is revealed in Season 2 to have been Bernard- is clearly not that of actor Sam Anderson (Bernard). This is most likely because the part had not yet been cast. This is also why they make it nearly impossible to parse out.
Finally in “Deus Ex Machina,” as Kate is getting back up after falling and breaking the alcohol in her backpack, she can be heard cursing (f-bomb) under her breath. I totally heard this when I was re-watching the episode, went online to see if anyone else had heard it too, and yeah…everyone heard you, Kate!