Happy 8/15 Day.
From time to time, folks would ask me if there was a way to read my Lost reviews from 2005-2010. The short answer is ‘no,’ and the short reason is ‘cuz.’
Look, everything I said a few days ago was true (as rambling as it may have been): I was proud of the work I did on the original CDP and I’m flattered beyond words that anyone would want to dip into the archives to see what I had to say about a television show of all things. But I’ll republish what I wrote on the Internet 19 years ago if you also agree to do the same, buddy.
When the requests came in, however, I want you to know that I did the work. I tried. I exhumed the dozens of old Lost reviews and attempted to resurrect them in some form to celebrate the upcoming 20th Anniversary of the show. I thought it would be a fun, nostalgic, easy task. This was not the case. Forget about the dead links, those could be easy to salvage, but what about the thousands of photos that were now watermarked because I stopped paying for Photobucket six years ago?
And how about the very mid-2000’s references that were woefully out-of-date and irrelevant to an entirely new generation of potential reader?
…actually the Owl City thing is still pretty funny to me. But this one’s kinda dumb, right?
Whatever, I just wasn’t feeling it is what I’m saying. I think my writing’s gotten better (or stayed the same enough that it wouldn’t matter). I made way too many fat jokes about Hurley that I wouldn’t make anymore. I creeped on Sun every week. I called Paris Hilton a whore for no reason although most of you would agree it was the style at the time. Point being, the task to bring ‘Lost Friday’ back for a victory lap was more trouble than it was worth, and might have even sullied people’s good memories of it.
Like any normal, well-adjusted 42-year old man would do, I lamented about this to my mother on the phone. She told me that my nephew (who wasn’t alive when Lost premiered) was now watching the show on Netflix and was curious to follow along weekly with the old reviews.
”I tried, but I can’t get it to work,” I said. “It would be fun to do something though. Like re-review the episodes. But…not that. Because that would be ridiculous. What episode is he on?”
”He’s only six episodes into Season 1,” she said.
”Oh, I gotcha,” I said. “He’s not to the point where I started reviewing episodes anyway. I didn’t start until Season 2-”
The lightbulb went off in my head. I had never reviewed Season 1.
Lost turns 20 this year, and to celebrate here at LATCHKEYKID, we’re going back to the Island to review every episode of Season 1. For the next five weeks- starting Monday and wrapping up just before the official 20th Anniversary on September 22- we’ll be rocketing through one of the greatest seasons of TV ever made, the only way I’ve ever known how: By making fun and pretending I hate it.
It’s called Lost Summer. We have much to discuss.
See you Monday. Sound off in the comments and have a great weekend.
I love this like Hurley loves ham.
Woohoo! I’m looking forward to rewatching!